Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Sorry for the wait - I filled up my hard disc and couldn't transfer any pictures before doing some sorting out.
We have been watering in the late evening because it has been so hot - the car was telling me the external temperature was 37 degrees this afternoon! Things don't seem to be suffering too much though. We have over 100 pots to water in the garden as well so are hard at it at the moment. The currant bushes in the foreground suffered a fair bit in the wind recently. I am going to cut the blackcurrant right back this year and use it as a bi-annual along with the one I got from Ivan's new plot that belonged to Tony. Posted by Picasa

The sweetcorn and the three cucumbers have really taken off since they went in. Posted by Picasa

The onions in the old sandpit are nearly ready now. Will it be alright to sow carrots in the bed to follow them? Or would it be too late? Advice gratefully accepted as usual! Posted by Picasa

The strawberries are just about over now and the asparagus is building up its strength to give us lots of lovely spears next year... Posted by Picasa

These gooseberries are the first meagre crop from the self-seeded and transplanted little bush I turned into a standard earlier this year. Sadly, most of them were eaten by a blackbird the evening after I took this picture. Posted by Picasa

On the siubject of gooseberries, these were Sue picked these a couple of weeks ago before my hard drive filled up and I couldn't load the pictures ont0 the laptop! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Here are some of the glorious results of all Sue's picking! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

I couldn't resist the sight of these geese at the far end of the main path through the plots - not happy about being disturbed! Posted by Picasa

Sue picked a shedful of fruit on Saturday... Posted by Picasa you can see she really gets stuck in there... Posted by Picasa

...but she can still manage a smile or two... Posted by Picasa

...and it's not surprising with results like this!!! Posted by Picasa

Here are the first two courgettes of the year... Posted by Picasa

...looking good in the pan... Posted by Picasa

...and here's the finished article - delicious! Posted by Picasa

I also covered the new bed with manure on Saturday before covering it in readiness for planting winter sqaush - it may be too late but time will tell! We may have a mild Autumn. Posted by Picasa

Monday, July 03, 2006

The next few pictures are an update from pictures I took on Thursday last week and didn't get round to posting at the time... Posted by Picasa

The tomatoes seem to be doing ok... Posted by Picasa

...Sue's purple sprouting are crying out to be released into the wild... Posted by Picasa

...the first courgette is nearly ready for harvesting... Posted by Picasa

...and the first bean has made it to the top of the frame! Posted by Picasa
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