Thursday, June 29, 2006

I finally got a day off from work yesterday and finished (just about) the first new bed on the left side of the central path where the coping stone bed used to be. It is much better use of the space and i am agonising over what to put in it. It will probably be potatoes or more winter squashes planted in situ - decisions decisions!!! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, June 25, 2006

I managed to get the sweetcorn planted out this afternoon, as well as a bit of weeding, feeding the potatoes, beans, garlic & onions with comfrey liquid and potting up some tomato sideshoots to see how they get on. Posted by Picasa

I planted three crystal lemon cucumbers as well - they are about the size & shape of a small apple but inside they are all cucumber! Very good for lunchboxes. Posted by Picasa

Yesterday (Saturday) I did some more work on the first of the beds to replace the coping stone bed. The place is riddled with convolvulus and horsetail so I am getting as much out as posible before laying the groundcover. Posted by Picasa

Here are the thinnings from the salsify yesterday... Posted by Picasa

...and here are the survivors. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, June 24, 2006

We went to the allotment for an hour or so last night. I spent the time mainly applying TLC to tomato plants I had neglected to tie in before the high winds of the last few days. Only lost one though, I think. THe redcurrant bush is in a bit of a state though, and may have to be replaced. Sue blitzed the weeds, and picked Strawbs ans Asparagus. Posted by Picasa

The potatoes are coming up in the bed on the right of the picture (put in a few weeks after those on the left). The brassicas Sue planted seem to be making a reasonably good recovery under their bottle cloches from their slug-ravaged start!  Posted by Picasa

Thge second lot of squashes we put in are doing fine - unlike the first lot which are yellow, small, papery or have already succumbed to slugs. Posted by Picasa

The blackberry bushes at the far end of the allotment are in flower. Posted by Picasa

The beans are slowly but surely making their way up their strings. Posted by Picasa

Dedication is a wonderful thing... Posted by Picasa

Still at those weeds! Posted by Picasa

Cora still knows when she wants to go home though! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

I made Elderflower Cordial on Saturday for the first time, and finished it off on Tuesday just in time for the football. Elderflower Cordial and pork scratchings - delicious... Posted by Picasa

...and here is the finished article! Posted by Picasa

Sue has been picking loads of strawberries over the last week or two! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, June 18, 2006

At last I have made a start to the 4 new beds! Posted by Picasa

Sue has had the odd thoughtful moment in between some sterling work weeding & watering etc Posted by Picasa

How about this for a takeaway? I got it from Ivan who is taking over Tony's old plot. I'm thinking of taking geoff Hamilton's advice and cutting them down completely in alternate years. Posted by Picasa

You can just see it in the far distance here in front of the blue tarp. Some of the leaves have suffered but apart from that it seems OK. Posted by Picasa

The tomatoes are beginning to fill out - which is more than can be said for the broad beans! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, June 04, 2006


Rob came down to the allotment the other night and did a brilliant job watering stuff and generally being a big help.
Something tells me Cora was glad he came down as well.....thanks Rob!Posted by Picasa

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Further to the entry below, this is what may have to happen when we get home as she loves rolling in things.... Posted by Picasa

As KT 101 was asking about what Cora gets up to at the Allotment here are some pages from a dog's life... Posted by Picasa
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