Sunday, February 08, 2009

Asparagus bed update...

One of the few jobs I have done recently is cutting down the Asparagus haulm. I am intending to finish the raised bed and add a thick layer of manure before the season begins. I am having quite a lot of trouble with weeds in this bed due to it being
permanent and am wondering about covering the spaces between plants to try and minimise the problem.
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Another view...

There are quite a few jobs apparent in theis picture: lay the flags~put beds on the foreground mud~prune~sort out the remains of the corn salad~finish asparagus bed~dig corn bed etc etc etc...Plenty to think about as usual!
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Hedge Horror!

P. next door had warned me of his intention to trim the hedge. I love the hedge but since I didn't prune it at all last year (well it is Sue's responsibility really) I didn't feel I could really say much in it's defence. A bit sad though to see it like Samson bereft of it's crowning glory and prostrate on the cold ground...(sorry - floridicity taking hold - it does that occasionally)... P. is a lovely lottie neighbor but we do disagree regarding the hedge. Maybe I need to set up some sort of hedge fund to facilitate it's ongoing maintenance...
Anyway I have collected up the debris ready to offload it to the tip asap. Now to decide what to do with the plot where the greenhousre was to live. I did think a fruit tree but now I wonder about more beds...decisions decisions...
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Usual View 24th Jan 2009

Well here is the 'usual view'. As you can see it is no longer sullied with a dilapidated greenhouse in the foreground. There do seem to be one or two weeds though.
I will be posting a list of jobs for the year soon as I have been down this afternoon 'planning'. Didn't get a right lot done but I did have a bit of a sort out in the shed....well it was precipitating summat chronic most of the time I was there.....
Shame I didn't get this posted actually in January but better late than never...possibly...
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