Sunday, April 30, 2006

The tulips I grew for Sue are nearly over now but they have been beautiful. Was ita good idea though? I have tied up a bed until now and I'm unsure whether I can lift the bulbs and heel them in somewhere else until the foliage yellows. Does anyone have any advice on this? As for my first question - yes it was worth it because we have enjoyed them so much. Posted by Picasa

23rd April Birthday Update

This post relates to 23rd April last week, my birthday - and what better way to celebrate than with a trip to the allotment, and fish & chips at Whelan's in Lytham later?
Here is the 'usual' view for the first time in a while. Posted by Picasa

Don't worry girls it's only sunshine it won't hurt. Posted by Picasa

We picked the first bunch of tulips for Sue. Posted by Picasa

We found a ladybird (quite small and still to be identified at Posted by Picasa

...and there was purple sprouting to look forward to!!! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

As we're going away for a few days I got down to the allotment for an hour or two and did some jobs. Mainly I planted potatoes through some carpet - these are Desiree. I reckon they should be ok but we'll see! Posted by Picasa

Here are some general views of the allotment to remind me where I am up to at the moment, starting with the 'usual' view... Posted by Picasa

The Asparagus bed is looking a bit sorry for itself at the moment. I need to mulch it and make new edges. There were a few perrenial weeds appearing in it last year so I am wondering about groundcover or newspaper along the middle and between the plants this time around. Posted by Picasa

The carpet is keeping the weeds down effectively until I am ready to use these beds. If you look closely you will see that at last there are a few things in the greenhouse! (Cosmos, Garlic, Leeks, & Peas, mainly) Posted by Picasa

I am intending to move the strawberries to their new hpome (in the bed far left) once they have cropped this year. (Actually I will probably use new plants) Posted by Picasa

Maybe I could fit in a few potatoes here where some of the squashes were last year. Posted by Picasa

This area should have four new beds on it in the not too distant future! Posted by Picasa

A lot of this is Phil's stuff. The tulips are forming buds and should be ready for picking soon. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

We are away for a few days this week but have had to have a quick dash back for a here's part of the holiday so far - my favourite public gardens, Holehird, the garden of the Lake District Horticultural Society. It is tended by volunteers, and is stunning at any time of year. Flowers at the moment include masses of hellebores, daffodils, cyclamen,and on and on. They hold national collections of Hydrangea, Astilbes and, last but not least, Polystichum ferns.
The garden fades imperceptably but beautifully into the surrounding landscape, and there are formal borders in the walled garden, a woodland walk, a lake, and much more...
I have taken photography students there several times and there is always something to enjoy. A great day out in combination ewith Rydal Water and maybe Dora's Field.
The great thing is there is no set entrance cost (though donations are welcomed) and no coffee shop or the like. Parking is free and one can be assured of peace and quiet even on the busiest lakeland Summer days.
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...the daffodils & heathers are beautiful... Posted by Picasa

...and how's this for a view from the glasshouses? Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

In the mimi-greenhouse the garlic I planted ten days or so ago in a sealed polystyrene container in the greenhouse itself are doing well... Posted by Picasa

...and in the garden the clematis are preparing to break into flower in the not too distant future... Posted by Picasa

...and the Hyacinths we overwintered on the compost heap are still looking lovely. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, April 02, 2006

We cut open a pumpkin for soup last weekend and were astonidhed to see all the seeds had germinated. Posted by Picasa

This gives a better idea of what was going on - the seeds had germinated all the way round - I was surprised that the shoots were bright green indicating photosynthesis had been taking place inside the fruit itself. I suppose they do glow with the light from a candle, though and we keep them on the window-sill. Posted by Picasa

I had some visitors down in the greenhouse last Saturday! As it turned out the pumpkin soup Sue made for dinner was the best ever!!! The recipe is I am sorry to say Delia's but I suppose credit where credit's due. Posted by Picasa
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