Thursday, April 30, 2009

More Bedbuilding!

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Saturday, April 25, 2009

Beautiful Blossom!

The blossom is finally opening on the little apple tree. Something to really look forward to at this time of year.
I was thrilled today as I sat in the shed drinking a cup of tea to see a Great Tit entering the 'Frank Lee Memorial Bird Box'. There was no activity at all last year and I wondered if it was a little low down. Fingers crossed that this is the start of big things!!!

Bed Prep....

Today I dug over these two 'beds' properly, weeded levelled the embrionic paths and sorted out some of the groundcover.
I also spot weeded the other beds for horsetail and the like.

Looking better already!!!

Things will feel a lot more sorted once this area has two new beds finished....

I am pretty pleased with this as steady progress makes things a lot easier to keep on top of.

A Spot of Weeding....

I popped down to the lottie yesterday afternoon and dug horsetail and couch grass out of the of the beds in readiness for re-making them.

The previous day I sowed:
Leek Flipper
Runner Bean Lady Di 
(Lady Di is very highly recommended - I have always been disappointed when trying other varieties)

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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Greenhouse Update....

Today I sowed: 
Courgettes Romanescu
Chard Bright Lights
Squash Crown Prince
Broad Bean The Sutton
Cosmos Candy Stripe
Sunflower Erm...
Kale Curly Green & Purple
Kale Black Tuscan

I had a chat with Jack beforehand and he advised sowing into bigger pots to avoid a check when potting on for beans, sweetcorn etc so no more little round pots for the beans. I already do this for squashes etc using individual plantable pots inside the plastic ones to avoid root disturbance.

I used the pots I used to use for beans for cosmos and Chard so these are bigger than the modules I usually use.

Jack also said he doesn't grow his own tomato plants but gets grafted ones from the adventure playground place on the way to Fleetwood as they are much more resistant to disease. I have had a lot of problems with tomatoes in that respect so I think I will give the grafted ones a go....

Somebody wasn't very happy with how long it took to do all that sowing....

At last the little James Grieve apple tree is bursting forth into blossom!

"Can we go home now please...?"

Monday, April 20, 2009

Greenhouse Tidy!!!

Cora came to help again yesterday....

Today I really sorted the greenhouse and pots and trays etc - very rewarding!

Ooh look at that....very tidy....

This unfamiliar view of the allotment is from P's plot next door - he gave me some super forced rhubarb:-)
I was taking a lot of stuff to the tip but Big Dave had most of it off me on my way past his plot. He will put it to excellent use, I know.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Morello Cherry Update...

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Saturday, April 18, 2009


Yesterday I tidied away the last remains of the rubbish along the hedge border, weeded, and sorted the lawn out.

I was relieved to see the garlic (shown) & shallots have germinated, although the onion sets seem to be taking a little longer to spring into life.

Today I finished the new bed.

A nice pair 0' beds if I say so myself....

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Another New Bed (Nearly)

I made a start on this bed today. Had to change it from 4' to 3' wide half way through to leave enough space to get past by the shed. Took a bit longer  but nearly all over now....

Sorting the groundcover is always the trickiest and fiddliest job - trying not to leave any gaps for the weeds to exploit.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Here is the usual view for 15th April 2009 and a couple more photos below for my reference.

Looking left to right....

....and right to left.

This afternoon I completed the construction of the probable strawberry bed, and dug out as much convolvulus as I could and the odd rogue bit of horsetail. Not too bad considering! How long will it be 'til its partner next door is completed I wonder....?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

New Bed Update!

I have now virtually finished what is intended to be the new
 strawberry bed....would have finished it but ran out of screws... took a very long time today....

....with lots of this kind of activity. The groundcover still needs stapling to the inside and the last few pieces of timber screwed securely into place.

Here is the next in line with groundcover in situ (thanks Phil). I cut all  the timber for this one to size and pre-drilled and marked it to save time when it comes to be constructed.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Made It!!!

At last I am all the way down to the shed!!! 8 and a bit flags today....phew....

It was a bit of a performance....

...with quite a lot of preparation to do before each section....

....but it should make things a bit harder for the likes of this!

Tree Business!

I dug up the blackcurrant transplanted from Ivan's old plot today.

It has hardly any flowers coming and has had 'big-bud' since I put it in. As I am trying to rejuvinate the lottie at the moment I decided it had to go.

Here it is waiting to leave...

....and here is the plan for the new space....the Morello Cherry tree. 
Tomorrow I am intending to build the two new beds next to the just-laid central path, and with a bit of luck plant the cherry....
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