Monday, September 25, 2006

Hi everyone! I haven't posted for ages as you may have noticed. We had a bad experience on holiday in France concerning my daughter's nut allergy which knocked me sideways for a while and directed my energies away from the blog and to some extent the allotment as well. However, we are a bit more sorted out now and I am looking forward to doing some lottie stuff.
I have been going down every few days since we got back and doing some picking though - mainly tomatoes, runner beans, courgettes, raspberries and now sweetcorn.

Sue has done some brilliant work while she has been off sick over the Summer: mainly pasta sauces, jams, compotes, syrups and cordials, fruit gin etc etc. All of these deserved a full post as they were being made but I will take some pictures soon to give you an idea.

The food markets in France were superb - again I will post some photos soon as KT suggested some time ago. All the best, Mike.
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