Friday, September 30, 2005

The noble sunflower hangs it's heavy head and prepares to release it's bounty to the goldfinches et al.... Posted by Picasa

Maybe we will get a few winter squashes after all! Posted by Picasa

There are still beans coming.... Posted by Picasa

The Jerusalem Artichokes are in flower - it must be Autumn! Posted by Picasa

Things are still looking quite lush! Posted by Picasa

As expected the catterpillars got at the cabbages a bit since I took the protection off but next year I'll use that just for cabbages so I don't have to remove it and do something else for the Purple Sprouting which grew too high for it. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, September 25, 2005

We are still getting raspberries at nearly the end of September. The Autumn fruiting varieties go on 'til the first frosts. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Not strictly allotment business but I thought you might like this picture of swans taken from the car window on the way down there this morning. Posted by Picasa

By popular request, (well. one professor to be precise), here's Cora. A dog for a Doig. Posted by Picasa

...and here she is again trying to look like she knows her onoins! Posted by Picasa

I'm still picking baskets of beans...but they must be coming to an end soon. Posted by Picasa

I never did transplant the leeks from the seedbed frame. It's a bit late now really so they'll just havr to take their chances where they are. Posted by Picasa

On the label it said "...small, purple ripening to red; very strong." Posted by Picasa

...and the courgettes haven't given up yet despite the mildew! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, September 18, 2005

I took up around another 8 flags today having moved the others a bit further down the plot yesterday evening. I dug out a lot of the weeds which were growing between the flags, and pulled out handfuls of horsetail roots. The ones under the groundcover where I had been walking appeared to have died when I took it up today. Tim wasn't convinced though.... Posted by Picasa

Hopefully it will be a bit harder for the horsetail etc to thrive beneath this. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Things have gone a bit mad at the allotment lately...there's rampant stuff growing everywhere... Posted by Picasa

The squashes I planted most recently have perfect foliage, although it is a (very) moot point whether the fruit will have time to swell & mature before the frosts come. Posted by Picasa

The mildew is really taking hold in the courgettes now. Posted by Picasa

That view again!!! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, September 08, 2005

These tomatoes were roasted with olive oil, Basil, Parmesan and seasoning and served with pork chops (also roasted) with Garlic and cooking apple slices. Posted by Picasa

We make loads of Raspberry compote during the Autumn season. This just involves simmering with icing sugar to taste. WE refrigerate it before eating (usually) and eat it with ice cream (or in this case Marscapone cheese with icing sugar and Marsala beaten into it). Posted by Picasa

Sunday, September 04, 2005

This is to confirm the excellent hedge-cutting skills of my talented wife. Posted by Picasa

I finished this bed today as I had hoped. Now I need to make a smaller one the other end, decide what to do with the rest of the path of shame (as was), lay the flags at the far end, decide what to do about the little shed, finish the strawberry bed, etc etc... Posted by Picasa

More lovely sweetcorn today... Posted by Picasa
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