Sunday, November 12, 2006

There was another dramatic sky over Lytham this afternoon. Posted by Picasa

The tints of Autumn deepen with the passage of time. Posted by Picasa

Who could this be hiding amongst the Chard... Posted by Picasa

...oh it's only Cora!!! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, November 05, 2006

We've just got back from a short break in London. Many thanks to Peter & Marcia for wonderful hospitality as ever. I took this view of St Paul's through a window at Tate Modern!
 Posted by Picasa

This is a view of the thirty metre high (sixty long) slide we slid down in Tate Modern. An unforgettable & exhilerating experience... Posted by Picasa

..and this is another view with people in it for scale!!! Posted by Picasa

There must have been a frost while we were in London as it has taken the leaves of the sole remaining productive courgette plant. Posted by Picasa

Soon the Asparagus will be cut down for another Winter... Posted by Picasa

...and the Artichokes will be ready for use and the raspberries for cutting down for another year. Posted by Picasa

These burnt-out ashes are all that remains of the bonfire which has been steadily building by the car park throughout the year. ( I missed it burning as we got home from our London break later than expected.) Posted by Picasa

The 'usual' view shows Autumn creeping up on lottie-land ever quicker now. (Mind you it is the 5th of November!) Posted by Picasa
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