Wednesday, May 31, 2006
The girls went to Manchester today so I was on my own at the lottie this afternoon. My main job was to finish what was to be the new strawberry bed and get the old compost heap into it. I am going to use it for courgettes and other squashes as I think it is a bit wide to comfortably harvest strawberries from. I will use one of the new beds near where the coping stone bed was for strawbs, as they will be 4ft not 5ft beds.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Sue and I had a really good afternoon down at the allotment on Sunday. I concentrated mainly on preparing beds to plant into as the conditions were perfect for digging. This is the sweetcorn bed from last year. I am finding the groundcover is really making a difference to the condition of the beds and the weeds etc. Sue got up to all sorts of things as you will see below...