Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Sunday, May 15, 2005
Brassicas Rehoused
The brassicas are in their new home and protected with a cage of fleece and wire netting. As you can see from the gentleman in the background it hasn't as yet attracted a right lot of attention. I'm very pleased with it though. It is tied together with wire at the corners. I might put some vine eyes into the uprights to attach the wire to instead though.
I've planted out the onions from the modules in the GH. I laid them ot in position first . It saves a lot of time. I think I mentioned before it was my Uncle Peter's advice many moons ago. I'm doing it not because I'm terribly on top of things but because I'm desperate for the space in the Gh with all these squash etc germinating in the study upstairs. The rootball of the onioms had grown right into the sand tray as had the sweet peas I mentoined earlier.. Verdon's onions from modules were planted out a while ago and look really healthy but they are nearly all flowering. It will be interesting to see how mine get on.
Saturday, May 14, 2005
Brassica News
This is the Brassica bed under preparation. I dug & weeded it, added chicken pellets, cultivated it with the claw, raked it, put some manure on this end of it, covered it, used hooks to secure it, and cut the requisite number of slits in it for Brassicas. Then I left it as it 's too windy for the poor little things.(If you're interesed I've got pictures of each stage of the process.)
Naughty Blackbird
Doesn't it know the string is a crafty way of protecting young seedlings from the likes of blackbirds and such? Is it having a laugh or what? If you ask me it's like one of those tabloid reporters getting in to Buckingham Palace - they just want to prove they can do it without causing any real damage.