Sue and I walked down to the land registry and then the allotment (via Lytham hospital) last night ( Tuesday. We walked back through the playing fields and Witchwood. (7.3 miles on the pedometer!) Cora loved it. We stopped off to water on the way. I am intending to have a day down at the allotment tomorrow (Thursday), which will be the first day officially of the Summer holidays as schools broke up today.)
I am from Alabama, USA so you are going to have to explain to me what an allotment is. I am confused! But I love your blog! The garden is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!
Hi! What a lovely picture! Many thanks for your comments on my blog about the allotment and garden.
In England for historical reasons land is made available for local people to rent for the growing of fruit and vegetables.
My Allotment costs me just over £20 a year in rent, and if I look after it it is mine as if I owned it (with some restrictions - I can't keep pigs, for instance!). Of course I spend a lot more than that on maintenance, seed, etc but it is still well worth while. (Especially as the land would be worth millions for building houses on. There are around 100 allotments in a prime development area. We sometimes worry about the council chucking us out but so far nothing has come of it.
All the best to you and your (growing) family.
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