Sunday, July 08, 2007

'Usual' view +

Here is the 'usual' view as of yesterday...oh dear oh dear oh dear. ..etc etc

My priority now is to get these sweetcorn in to give them any chance at all. The variety is 'Indian Summer' and we will need one of those if they are to produce a good crop! They are absolutely beautiful when mature as you can see from last year's pics here.

Sadly I prioritised getting the tomatoes out just a bit too soon as the weather turned almost immediately and they died (as Big Dave three plots down informed me rather cheerfully I felt) of wind burn. He asked just one killer question worthy of Poirot at his withering best - "Straight out of the greenhouse into the ground?" "Well I opened the door a bit first." was obviously even to me an admission of guilt. So that's why we're supposed to harden things off....
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